Tom Johanson dedicated his life to all aspects of natural, psychic and spiritual healing and philosophy and (with his wife Coral Polge) the proof of the existence of life after death and of reincarnation.

He will be always with us and within us, just on a different wavelength, invisible for most of us (as we all do, according to Tom and Coral's teachings) and he will continue to live in us through his spiritual philosophy and his loving practical example - he will stay always besides the departure of his material body.

This web site is here to say thank you, Tom. Thank you for everything that you have done in your wonderful, incredible life to so many people. Thank you for your kindness, your humour and your limitless, loving help and care that you extended to every human being and every living creature in all your life. Thank you for all your friendship, your insight and understanding, the joy in life that you had and passed on to so many - and thank you for showing us in your own daily life till the last minute of this lifetime the essence of your work and philosophy in practice - which is unlimited kindness, compassion and love.